Prescription savings for every member of your family.
Get a 14-day free trial.
Risk-free, cancel anytime.
Risk-free, cancel anytime.
Select an Individual or Family plan and we take care of the rest.
We match you with the best-licensed pharmacy in our private network.
Your personal savings specialist will ensure you always get the lowest price.
Start bringing wellness to your doorstep and savings in your pocket.
If you or your family fill multiple prescriptions, your savings will far exceed the monthly membership.
If you don't save more money than your membership costs, we'll refund your money back, guaranteed.
Each member is assigned a 'savings specialist' to ensure you always get the best price, at the best pharmacy.
Sick of worrying about your medication costs? Tired of paying retail prices? Our savings specialist is here for you.
And what about the membership costs? If you're an ePharmacies member, we
your membership will pay for itself on your first order or we'll refund you, guaranteed.
ePharmacies is a membership that is free for thirty (30) days, after which you will pay $9.99/month for individuals or you can select $19.99/month for the Family Plan that covers up to 6 people, including your pets. This subscription offers lower discounts than any leading competitors' coupons or discount programs like GoodRx Gold.
ePharmacies offers a 14-day free trial and you can cancel at any time.
Think of ePharmacies like an Amazon Prime or Costco membership — it's not for everyone, but if your family purchases multiple prescriptions, we guarantee you will find that your savings will far exceed the membership fees.
Both plans are free for the first 14 days. After that, you'll be billed monthly for one of the affordable membership plans you chose. Our individual plan is just $9.99 a month for new members and the family plan is just $19.99 a month for new members.
Our family plan account holders can add up to 5 more members (including family, extended family, friends, and even pets) to share the prescription savings.
© 2025 ePharmacies. All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER: ePharmacies is a conduit between consumers in need of prescription drug savings. ePharmacies is not affiliated or contracted with any of the pharmaceutical companies or products that are illustrated on this website. ePharmacies is not compensated in any capacity by any of the manufacturers. All of the information about prescription drugs on this website has not been provided to ePharmacies by the manufacturer.